Desexing: What is it and What's Removed for Female & Male Dogs?

Desexing: What is it and What's Removed for Female & Male Dogs?

The vast majority of dogs in Australia are desexed (by vast majority – over 90%). However these are only statistics based off registered dogs and there is most likely a large portion of that number that include unregistered dogs where a large majority are also most likely not desexed. 

Although desexing is not mandatory in Australia, it actually is a bigger and more healthy reason to get your dog desexed than leaving it. Let’s go through what the whole process is first shall we? If you want to skip ahead – click here. 

Ok – let’s start off with desexing? What is it? 

With so many names out there to describe it, the outcome is still the same – your pet will no longer have the ability to reproduce both as a female or male. As a male, it means they will no longer have the ability to impregnante a female and for a female, it means they will no longer be able to get pregnant. As a reminder – this is a permanent procedure! 

Ok but what actually occurs? 

Well for female, the procedure is called ‘spraying’ which involves your dog going under anaesthetic and its removal of its uterus and ovaries. For a male, the term castration is used here where the testicals are removed from the dog. Both are done under full anaesthetic. Complications are rare post surgery but if they do occur, mainly are to do with the wound. 


So now you have your dog desexed or you’re ready to do it, what should you do to help them recover? One of the main things to do is to not exercise your dog much for at least a week. Keep them relaxed and prevent them from licking the wound as it could damage and open the wound. If your dog is known to lick wounds, it would be wise to get an Elizabethan collar. A check up is recommended after a week to make sure the wound is fully healed and your dog can resume back in its normal activities. 

Now what are the benefits of desexing? 

The obvious reason is unwanted pregenancies. If you don’t want to be taking care of more dogs, its good to undertand that this will help prevent it. Did you know <insert big stat around too many dogs in pounds> 

Desexing female dogs help periodic cycles and messy bleeding and eliminates the risk of pyometra (infection of uterus) and reduces the risk of mammary (breast cancer for a dog) and ovarian cancer. 

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